Thursday, January 26, 2012

Don't Give Up!

Ever heard of the quote
"Where there's a will, there's a way"?
If no, stick it into your brain right now and never forget it. A lot of people underestimate their abilities and give up. Just a simple glitch can make you change your mind and you start to tell yourself "I can't do it."STOP THINKING NEGATIVELY. What I like to do when I feel I won't accomplish something, like a song (and believe me when I tell you, my voice is not the best in the world. Who's is?), I take a deep breath and listen to the song over and over. Sometimes I would just find a quiet place and meditate. It seems weird, but it actually helps you clear your mind and get you back on the positive track. Like Ella Fitzgerald said,
"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong."
There's one thing that I've learned since 1997, Life is unfair. You don't always get what you want, but that doesn't mean you won't achieve what you want. You might not get it on the first try, but practice makes perfect and practice is the key. It's not going to be easy, but I guarantee you'll gain experience on the way; and one day, you'll find yourself saying "I can do this, bring it on!" There was a time when I couldn't do a split and I felt discouraged when I saw how easily someone did it. I felt even worse when I saw a guy do it. So I made a commitment and told myself that everyday I will stretch and get in a splitting position until I succeed. Till this day, I still can't do a split. But that's not the point, the point is that if you don't really commit to doing something, you won't get it done. The people I saw probably had years of practice or a really good gymnastics teacher. I'm sure they cried a little, or in some people's cases a lot,but that didn't stop them from learning how to get low. Acting, dancing, singing, stage managing, they're all in the same technique. Everyone can act if they put full potential and get in the mood. And if you can act, you can dance; if you can dance, you can sing; if you can sing, you can be a stage manager; and if you can be a stage manager, you can be an acting teacher like Ms. Gittings.
-This has been a heartfelt message by Jenora

