Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The challenge-Battle of the exes?

MTV :)

For those who do not watch battle of the Exes its about 20 or 30 ex couples are sent here on the show to win the grand prize $$$. I love this show because its funny to me you have to team up with your ex and you guys have to get along in order to sucessed in this battle. All of the ex couples live in this huge house. Every couple has their story on why him or her ex broke up. They are brought to this show to either see if you guys have good connection with people you had history with or to see if they can really get through this challenge. So if you seen or heard of this show can you picture yourself on this show with your ex boyfriend or girlfriend? But you had no idea that your ex has to be your partner. Until you figure out you two will have to work as a team team up and get through the challenges. How would you feel if you had to go through something like this? You guys broke up for a reason months later you guys find each other on the same tv show and realize you guys are partners. You guys are required to work together and try your best for the grand prize $$$. Its crazy how these exes have to work together knowing they have some type of situation going on or that already went on. How would you feel if this happened to you? This show is crazy its basically just like fear factor. They do crazy and outrageous things on here. Its just crazy how you and your ex are teamed up and that person is the last person you wanted to see and knowing that they HAVE to be you partner is even worse!!!! What do you think what would be going through your head if you had to be on this tv show? would you fore-fit and leave? Would you stay just for the grand prize? If I had to go through this I would try my very best and try to stick it through and go as far as i can.But if not ill just quit leave because i dont need to spend time and get along with my ex knowing we left for a reason lol...