Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Vow is a really touching movie !

       Have you seen the movie "The Vow"?

To me honestly this movie is a sad frustrating movie. The reason why i say is is because can you imagine yourself years from now maybe 10-15years later your all grown up you fall in love with the right one! One day you guys are on a romantic date and the biggest dieaster of your lives occured, you get into a car crush because a truck behind you bumped into you. Your beloved flies out through the wind shield and you figure out she has brain damage.She\he cannot absolutely remember nothing only his\her high school memories! It's hard for you to try and regain his\her memories. she\he cannot remember who you are why you guys got married or any history you guys had in the past. Can you picture yourself married and your loved one got into a crash and does not remember who you are? Would you have the patience to try and make your loved one try and regain her memory back? even though he or she will never remember what happened between you guys? It will have its hard & easy times. But your loved one basically doesnt even know who you are? he or she has no clue why you guys are even married. Picture yourself trying to regain your loved ones memory and he or she only remembers that he or she was engaged to his or hers high school lover. They find each other and flirt right in your face. What can you possibly do? It's not his or her fault that she cant remember anything. You try everything you can possibly do so she or he can regain his or hers memory but nothing is working so they can get their memory back. On top of that his or her  parents are  trying to bring him\her back to the house planning his\her life and trying to get you out of the pictue because you really cant provide anything for him\her.How would you feel if you ever went through this? Can you picture yourself going through something like this.? Do you think you have the patience to go through something like this?