Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Everybody Is Beautiful

No matter the tone of your skin, the weight you are, or what ethnicity you are. All Women Are Beautiful ! You don't have to be a size 0 to be considered beautiful. Since when did being skinny become every girls goal or being a certain size makes you beautiful? Where are the goals to be different from what the media portrays rather then be what it has created. To change the mind set of this generation and not just be the generation. You are beautiful no matter what your body type is to be curvy or to be just skinny. Just because a girl is bigger then another doesn't mean you can down her just because her body isn't what you "imagine " a females body should like. It goes the both way around just because she's skinny and doesn't have curves doesn't mean she is any different. Women of all shapes, and sizes are beautiful in their own unique way. To judge her by her weight is demeaning and ignorant. That just because she's bigger or just because she's skinnier. Get to know her before you judge her.

Love the skin your in because God made you that way. Whether your darker lighter or just white. As long as you are happy in your own skin, and you are healthy, then you are perfect. Being dark skinned doesn't make your pretty and just because your red doesn't mean your "bad" either. Your outside appearance doesn't define beautiful. Beauty is on the inside its your character. The prettiest face can have the ugliest character. You should be confident in yourself and carry yourself like the beautiful person are. When you have confidence in yourself and who you are as a person you can pick and choose who deserves to be in your life. You don’t need anyone’s approval, and you don’t feel bad about it. Having confidence is what makes you a beautiful person because no one can break you.

The Media has influenced girls to look like Beyonce have the body of Kim Kardashian and weigh under 150. When in reality you may never even reach it. Learn to love yourself and accept that you are who you are. No one else can be a better you. Love every curve ever flaw and texture that comes with your body. Even though you may not have the prettiest face, the biggest boobs or butt. So what ! Work with what you have and make it beautiful. At the end of the day you live with yourself and only you can make yourself happy.