Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Famous For Not Having Talent

Many people recently are famous for not actually having talent and are more well known for the hype they create than what little or no talent they actually have. Obviously unless a person doesn't have internet, TV, a cellphone with internet, or friends with those things, everyone has at least heard these names. Rebecca Black, Snooki and the rest of the cast of Jersey Shore, Paris Hilton, The Kardashians, and The Teen Mom Cast. Firstly, Rebecca Black made a video on YouTube that currently has over 20 million views and has over 500,000 dislikes. Clearly she doesn't have many people who actually enjoy her music. However a parody of the song which is titled Rebecca Black "Friday" (Brock's Dub) which has over 10 million views more than the original video and frankly is much more entertaining. But why is Rebecca Black famous? The answer is simple. She wanted to make a music video and her parents let her, she uploaded it to YouTube and got slaughtered by those who watched it. Next, The entire cast of Jersey Shore, they drink, party, get into fights, have sex, and prove their lack of intelligence. The cast gives a bad name to the people who live in New Jersey and creates a stereotype for so called "Guidos". According to a Huffington Post article originally posted on April first 2011 Snooki was paid $32,000 to speak to college students attending Rutgers College which is located in New Jersey and even some students said it was a waste of money. Paris Hilton, seriously what is she famous for other than being the heiress of Hilton hotels? Probably all the drug troubles she's had, her plastic surgeries and her total fail at a singing career since she simply doesn't have talent. Perhaps the only thing she's done well is play a character, Amber Sweet, who could have easily been a caricature of Paris Hilton. Both are spoiled heiresses to highly successful businesses, are hooked on drugs and surgery, and both think they can sing. The Kardashians have majorly capitalized on a sex tape with Kim Kardashian in it.  Which lead to their reality TV show a clothing line and a faux wedding in order to make money. What talent do the Kardashians have? Perhaps capitalizing on scandal, and a record for how many times they say "like" in 60 seconds. Lastly, The cast of Teen Mom. What are they more than people who can't use a condom and want to be famous for being knocked up. Sadly, my mom watches this even though she hates the idea of people not much older than me being parents themselves. Teen Mom creates an image about teens that isn't true and makes money off the young mother's troubles, dramas, and stupid choices. Hopefully there will be more stars with talent in the future.

Rebecca Black Friday Original Video
Rebecca Black Friday (Brock's Dub)
Huffington Post article about Snooki