Thursday, February 9, 2012

Growing Young Adults And The Things We Deal With.

As growing young adults, we face many situations in which pressure can consume our sanity. Unfortunately that's life and there is no way of getting around the amount of responsibility we are held to. Most adults feel that as teenagers we have a good life and that we over exaggerate the amoung of pressure we are under almost all the time. Peer pressure, is one of the main ones. When we entered high school we weren't ready, after all the transition from middle school to high school is a very big leap.

Girls Go From :

1. Lip Gloss to Lip Locking

2.Soda to Smirnoff

3.Attitudes to Accidents

The point i'm trying to make is that for many young adults pressure of all kinds are consuming most of their minds. The lack of focus is in young adults, is so shocking me because everyone proclaims they want to be successful but it seems as if no one want to develop as a young adult into a mature well rounded adult to get there. But I don't blame the young adults I blame the enviorment.

Why Do I Blame The Enviorment??

I blame the enviorment/society, because if there were less socialized standards that youn adults tried to meet,then they could focus all that effort ,that they use trying to fit in ,to suceed. I think it's so sad that there are over weight girls out there who try to starve themselves so they can look like the girls in the magazines.... (REALITY CHECK) the girls in the magazines don't even look like that . They hire the best photo retouch artist in the world to get those photos to look the way they do. The pressure of this society we live in has claimed lives all over the U.S. and Abroad. The pressure of being a young adult these days is like a plague, everyone is pressuring themselves to be like,look like, and even act like someone else!

How Does This Relate To Acting?

A well-rounded actor\actress must know who they are ,what they stand for and what they don't . Regardless of the mountains of pressure that they'll have to face they still have the comfirt and assurance in who they are to know, that pressure and responsibilty is apart of life and in the long run it all works out, but sometimes not always as planned. Actors/actresses have to be confident because they'll find difficulty in recognizing personality in roles they may be given. Which could in turn make an acting job almost impossble!

Final Thought : Knowing who you are can make a big diffrence especially in the midst of adversity.