Cheerlading is a sport. Cheerleaders have to keep a smile on there face through pain. While football players run and do training so do cheerleaders. We give our blood sweat and tears when it comes to cheering. We sit out in the sun, we practice,we get yelled at,we get injured just like any sport. We have to yell over loud fans while in the hot sun meanwhile you have people swimming and we call that a sport. We have people flipping,holding people up getting stepped on kicked,hit,pushed. You have people losing their voice and hurting their back. I had a stunt dropped on My head,i bleed just like anybody in any other sport. Cheerleaders have to keep their grades up just like any other sport. When somebody says cheering isnt a sport ask them can they stand out in the sun holding another person up,yelling over fans,keep smiling faces, be loud,keep fans entertained,not drop anybody and cheer a Team on.? Just becauae its nothing physically one on one contact cheerleading is a sport. I cant stress enough how people just look as cheering as an afterschool activity but its really not just that we have the same mentality as any other sport. We compete with other schools just like other,sports. We have coaches just like any other sport. Chhering isnt something you just wake up and do because your bored. You have to really be devoted and have the drive to be a cheerleader. Some cheerleaders tumble some dont but either way if your a cheerleader than your an athlete.So anyone who doesnt think this is a sport ask one of the NHS CHEERLEADERS!!