Friday, March 2, 2012


Splice is a Sci-Fi Horror movie. It came out in 2009. It starred Adrien Brody and Sarah Polley as young scientists who are dating. They are trying to find out how to make a hybrid animal for medical research. So they start cutting things from other animals to put together to make a hyrid. Later on after their success, they want to try something. They want to try mixing their human blood into the eqution.But their funnders (N.E.R.D) said no. So Clive and Elsa conduct their own experiment with the human blood.
After "birthing" the hybrid, they saw it was rather violent so they killed it. Or so they thought. The real hybrid was inside and it was growing at an accelerated rate.Clive wants to try and kill it again but Elsa says its too late and persuades him that since its too late and that the creature is dying away anyway, they should watch its life cycle. They find out that the crature can breath under water and can breath regular air (amphibuous).
Later, Elsa names the creature Dren because Elsa is getting annoyed by Clive calling it "speciemen". Elsa then bonded with Dren like mother and daughter. And as shes growing and staying in a crowded lab, when she attacks Clives brother. So they move her into a barn. When Clive and Elsa leave to go to work, Dren starts to eat animals in the wwods. The thing is Clive and Elsa don't know she's eating meat.
Dren starts to demand alot of attention, so then Clive and Elsa go to accompany her and start to neglectthe other two specimen that they experimented on. They weren't paying attention to the speciment so they didn't realize that the two specimens that were supposed to mate didn't. At the unveiling of the two specimen, the girl specimen turned into a guy so when they were were unveiled they violiently killed each other in front of everyone.
Dren then starts growing into a teenager, so she becomes adolescent.She becomes bored inside the barn and wants to go out but Clive says n. She then lashes out by killing a stray cat that they took in. Dren then starts to show the human features from the blood that was added when she was a specimen. And Clive realizes its from Elsa. Dren then assults Elsa by stabbing/stinging Elsa with her stinger which then makes Elsa realize how dangerous Dren is. So, she reverts back to her scientist ways and ties up Dren, cuts off her stinger, and extracts the medicine they need from the stinger. Clive then finds her their tied up naked and unties her.
Dren has been watching Clive and Elsa be affectionate, so she tries it out wit Clive. At first he refuses to do that with her, but then he sees how sad she looks so he starts kissing her back (STUPID!!!!!). Clive and Elsa then starts to have sex, but in the middle they're interrupted by Elsa. Elsa then goes to the apartment and Clive follows. They get into a heated arguement and Clive brings up how he knows Elsa put her blood into the experiment. So then they argue some more and then they conclude that they need to kill Dren. When they finally get back into the barn, they realize that Dren is dying. So a few hours later, Dren dies and they bury her behind the barnyard.
Elsa and Clives boss then comes to the barn with Clives brother, Gavin. Just as Elsa is explaining themselves and telling the boss that Dren is dead, Dren attacks them. Killing the boss and Gavin. Elsa and Clive then realize that Dren is like Ginger, the girl specimen. She spontaneously changed her sex to male and became teritorial. She then wounds Clive and hunts down Elsa. Dren( now being referred to as he) jumps out from in the air and lands on Elsa. He then uses his stinger (which grew back) and rips off Elsas clothes. He then rapes Elsa. Clive then comes up behind Dren and stabs Dren in the chest. Dren attacks Clive again and in the middle of it Elsa hits Dren on the head with a large rock. Just as Elsa raises it again to kill him, Dren stabs Clive in the heart and turns it in a circle. Clive is now dead and Elsa is mad. Elsa raises the rock again and smashes it against Drens face, killing him.
In the last few minutes of the movie, we see Elsa in the N.E.R.D's pharmacy office. The latter then tells Elsa that Dren was rather valuable. It contained countless chemical compunds and genes that are already been seen. The comapny says she will be filling out patents for years and Elsa then thanks them for the generous amout of money they're giving her and for taking the Dren experiment to the "next level". As you can tell, Elsa has accepted their offer to do the experiment. When she gets up to leave you see that she is pregnant. I guess Dren left some family behind.