Thursday, March 22, 2012


When there comes a time to say what you need to say i say shut your mouth cause there are times where it can be hurtful. My problem about this environment is the rude words that will come out of someones mouth please keep it yourself. Violent words can always hurt a piece of that person. Someone may have what they think is true and honest but if its not in a nice tone please dont say it all. can be you who isnt hurt but think about the other person, and how they feel about the situation. If sometimes the word needs to come out please walk away. That person will evantually will respond back and it will not be nice. If you dont that evolves to a dramatic inpact on yourself and that person. Also please control yourself dont act up in front of your friends just to show out. The mature ones can just walk away. Speak up if one of your peers are saying somthing unneccessary things. To avoid  these comments just tell them nicely that you dont like the way they are speaking about or that you feel unconftorable. There are also young adults and kids now that are very not social. I have experience many individuals that doesnt speak because they would tell me that '' i have nothen to say'' or '' i have nothen nice to say thats why im keeping my mouth shut''. I myself respect that and other avoidable outcome. We also have rumors. Rumors are the worst of teens life that ar'nt true about that person. This so called rumor can turn information faster then a text message sending to a friend.  Ignore that situation it is you who knows best and that you know that whoever was spreading that rumors and talking bad stuff is goin to get it right back at that person. So i say keep your mouth shut if you dont have anything nice to say.