On January 28 of 2012, the lifetime channel premiered a movie called,"The Pregnancy Project." It is about a 17-year-old girl named Gaby Rodriguez, who faked her pregnancy as a social experiment. This movie is not only an eye-opening story, it is based on a true story. Real-life Gaby Rodriguez, played the "pregnancy game" during her senior year of high-school as a project. Her goal was to challenge the idea that a stereotype has to define your future. The film was portrayed very well and follows closely with the details of Gaby's well-written "pregnancy diary." Each day she recorded a response on how she felt and was treated. I watched the movie on its premiere date and found it to be very interesting. The pure fact that a 17-year-old girl put herself through this is heart warming. You have to admit, it takes some serious acting skills to fool a whole high-school, teachers included, for 6 1/2 months. Not everyone can pull this off in an environment of skeptical, judgemental teens and adults. Its not easy to do this either. Imagine being told everyday that you ruined your life and you are a very irresponsible young-adult. It takes guts and skills to go through daily judgement and still act as though you are pregnant. Alexa Vega played the character of Gaby in the movie and did a wonderful job. She was very good at portraying exactly what Gaby was feeling and how she acted the part of a pregnant teen. Judy Reyes also did a good job as playing the part of Gaby's mother. Both actresses played their roles very well. I recommend this film to anyone who wants to understand the strength and courage needed to rise above stereotypes and embrace who you are. Gaby Rodriguez, I commend you for having the bravery to fight back against stereotypes and teach young-adults a valuable lesson.
Comment Topic: If you were able to, would you do the pregnancy project at Nova High School?

Comment Topic: If you were able to, would you do the pregnancy project at Nova High School?