Snow White and the Huntsman is just like the original Snow White. The plot is the same and kinda everything else too. But they have to make it interesting for everyone to want to watch it again. I haven't seen it yet because, well, it hasn't come out yet.
The twist in the movie is that instead of the queen wanting to kill Snow White to become fairest in the land, the queen wants to kill Snow White to become fairest in the land and to be able to live forever.
Snow White is confronted by the Huntsman, hired to hunt down Snow White. He then warns her and they go and train to get her ready for battle.
The Queen is similar and different
in this movie. In the original she
is just plain evil. In this one she's
just plain evil too but what she
does is just EVIL. She swallows
her victims souls to become young.
But she needs Snow White's to
become immortal.
The huntsman is only doing what
the Queen said because she will
kill him.
I really can't wait to see this movie.
Press my link Snow White and the Huntsman.
Watch the trailer and see how amazing
this movie will be. Then comment on my