today i learned that an orthodontist, my orthodontist makes almost 50,000 on a good week. not only does she she only spend 8 years in college compared to other jobs. she really doesn't work on our teeth. her technicians do. which tells me i need to know what im going to do for the future now. so that i can start preparing to make as much as she does. but that i also need to start studying more in school. nowadays they don't just give out scholarship is because you look good in a cap and gown. the offer scholarships to people who work for it. for example it take a neurologists almost 12 years in college. and with some schools asking for 25,000 a semester that's a lot of money. things like duel enrollment can also help. see, while you're in high-school you can go to a college part time and get two years of college out of the way,for free! there's also bright futures who every year is lowering how much the scholarships are. honestly i don't blame them because nowadays its the doctors and policemen that aren't cutting pay cuts. so really its survival of the fittest. so i will try to be on top of my game, and so shall everybody else so we can all grow p to be successful.