Sunday, April 29, 2012

Costume Success Sabrina Fenelon p7

1.Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be...the actual constructing of the costume. Even with the tape we were given , I expected it would difficult to put everything on the costume. When the base of the costume was constructed I was very satisfied. I felt a smile on my face because we were in the lead and, we were making great progress.
2.After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was...the bending of the hanger. It took forever to bend and, break the hanger. In order to form a strap on the costume. When we finally got it to stay on the costume, I was very relieved. It ended up being very cute on the costume too. It added a gold touch to the black garbage bag. Which was adorable.
3. The most important thing I learned from this activity is...not to judge activities before you do them. At first I thought it would be impossible to create a costume out of the materials we were given. But, as we were constructing it, I saw the costume on paper come to life. Also, my team and I really bonded and, got along well together. My team was so fun and amazing. I was very surprised by how well we worked together. Everyone agreed on the direction of how we constructed our costume.
4.The most surprising or interesting thing I learned from this activity is.. that you can make something out of nothing. We were given household items that we created a beautiful costume out of. That in itself was a surprise. I thought that out of the materials we were given our costume was a success.
5.The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is... my sketch of the costume. I was lucky enough to get my sketch chosen. I was very excited to see it come alive. When I designed it I was very particular. Also, I thought my modeling of our costume was great. I always model in front of my friends as a joke. But for the fact I had to do it in front of the class, for a grade made me model with a lot of motivation.
6.The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with is... that I could not actually build the costume because I was the model. I wish I could have been apart of putting the items on the costume. But this time I just had to trust my team mates in doing a great job;which they all did.