Thursday, April 26, 2012

Duet Scenes

1. Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be to actually get up to rehearse with my partner. We both have a lot of after school activities and don't have much time. In addition to that, even though we have time in class, we usually use it to help each other memorize lines since we are both "shy".
2.After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was staying in character while performing. I usually don't like speaking in front of the class and act out, but I'm working on it. When I'm on stage acting, I usually get nervous and just perform absentmindedly.
3.The most important thing I learned from this activity is to play out my character and add a little humor now and then to keep the audience entertained. Also, I think I should actually look up at the audience from time to time instead of just avoiding eye contact from the audience.
4.The most surprising or interesting thing I learned from this activity is that depending on how each person plays the character it can be expressed in a similar or a completely different way. It is interesting to know all the different ways a character can be portrayed and acted out.
5.The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is that I stayed in character and controlled my voice better. In most of my performances, my voice gets high pitched and squeaky, but I did a better job at trying to use my normal talking voice.
6.The aspect of my work on this activity I am least satisfied with is that it felt as if I haven't played my character to the best of my ability because I get nervous. When I tried to make it funny, I end up getting out of character and forgetting my lines. I think that being nervous, prevents me from playing the character out and that It doesn't seem real.