Sunday, April 29, 2012

Gabrielle P.7 Reflection Post-Costume Design Contest

Before I attempted this activity, I thought the most difficult part would be designing the costume. I wanted to have a costume that was creative and unusual. I didn't want to design the run of the mill dress or pant suit, I wanted something that turned heads and make people go wow, I've never seen anything like that before. So it was something that I had to sit and think long and hard about. Also, I thought the most difficult part would be constructing the outfit because we had very out of the ordinary materials to use and very little time. After completing it, I still think that constructing the costume was the most difficult part. There would be times when the tissue paper would fall off or one of us would accidently step on it and it would rip off. Sometimes the balloons would pop while they were being blown up or the construction paper would peel off, after we would put on like layers of tape to make it stick. The most important thing I learned from this activity was to always stay patient. Even though things may not go the way I planned or expected, I should always remain calm and patient and work hard towards a better result. During this project, we wanted really bad to have our final outcome look just like the design we had, but mishaps occured and things didn't work out as planned but we just had to take our time and work with what we had and be patient throughout the process with our teammates and our assignment. I am proud to say that throughout most of our project, all of our teammates were able to do that. The most surprising thing I learned during this project was how to incorporate balloons into our costume. Before this project, I thought about how balloons would work on a dress, but I learned that by taking tiny balloons, we could make a shoulder strap or a belt or a bracelet. There are more to balloons than party ornaments!!!! The aspect of my work that I am satisfied with is of course our wedding dress we made. I thought it was very stylish and beautiful and we all worked so hard to make it. Even though we came in 4th place, I thought our dress was the best. The aspect that I was least satisfied with was the our headband we made. The hanger would not cooperate with us while we were making it and I kept falling off. If it weren't important to our costume, I would've just left it alone, but we needed it.