Saturday, April 28, 2012

Garbage Bag Design Project

1. Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be to come up with the concept of how our dress was going to look like. I try to be creative but I'm just not one of those people that has a creative mind, I don't really know how to draw either, so I didn't know if my design would be the perfect fit.
2.After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was making sure that the items on the outfit didn't fall off. The tape that we used was pretty strong so it basically kept everything in place. However there was certain times where I thought that something would fall off such as the hanger. We put two hangers up on our model shoulders, and I thought that it would bend a little, but for the most part it stayed in place.
3.The most important thing that I learned from this activity is that no matter what type of material you have, you can make it out if something. When my teacher first told me about making a costume design out of garbage bags, the first thing I thought was "How the heck". But once she showed us pictures of them, it didn't seem hard after that. It actually gave me ideas and made the assignment easier.
4. The most surprising or interesting thing I learned from this activity is that when you work together as a team, you can definately put things together at a faster pace then working by yourself. Each one of my team members and I each had certain things that we dealt with. For example, one of my team members was in charge of taping everything together, another was in charge of holding the outfit together, others has to create a purse, etc.
5. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is that my team won. There was one person in my group who knew exactly how the dress was going to look, and where the items were going to be put at. At times I wasn't really sure where we could put things at such as the balloons, hangers, and construction paper. But that person knew, and since he knew it made everything flow together and made the dress look successful. Winnig the competition was a very good feeling. If I could do it again, definately would.
6. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with is nothing. I can honestly say that everything went well. The concept, the way the dress was designed, who our model was, and where the ballons and other items went. My team did a phenomenal job and I couldn"t help but thank every last one of them for making this group assignment one of the best things we did during this school year!!!!