Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dudets doing a duet scene!

Before attempting my duet scene it was probably a million thoguhts running through my mind. Some like "Is this going to be fun?" "Can we choose our partners?"  Before attempting this activity I thought the most difficult part to accomplish was understanding how the characters personality was. It was like is your character suppose to be happy, mad, sad, or commical? After completing it, I know think the most difficult part to accomplish was rehearsal. I say that because some days my partner would be there and then other days my partner was there. So, the days my partner wasn't there I was curious about if she knew her lines or not, but thankfully she did! The most inportant thing I learned from this activity is choose your partners wisely. I learned that you shouldn't pick your partner based on your friendship but, on their attendance and recent performances. The most interesting thing I learned from this activity is that not all scenes have to be funny. Some can be funny or dramatic. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is that I found out what both my strong points and weak points are. It was sort of like a reality check on your acting skills. The aspect of my work on this activity that Im least satisfied with is that I still didn't understand how to be my character instead of my self. But, since the school year isn't over yet I will probably learn it by the end of the year.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=b10f389bad4889f0&biw=1600&bih=719