Sunday, April 29, 2012

             Duet Scene: Reflection Post

By Imani Myers

1. Before attempting this activity, I really thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be remembering all my lines, especially since I don't have the best memory in the world. I felt some amount of pressure because I had someone else relying on me to remember my lines, just as much as I was relying on them to remember their part.
2. After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was trying to stay in character.Considering that both my scenes were considered comedies, it was difficult to stay in character when you have a crowd of people laughing at you, ( and me trying not to laugh), because of the funny accent I decided to use, or what funny costume I decided to wear.
3. The most important thing I learned from this activity is that, you need to pick your partners wisely. Before, I would just ask anyone that was sitting next to me. I have learned the hard way, that this sometimes does not end well because that person or persons would forget to learn their lines, or forget their costume etc. However, for this assignment I think I picked a good partner. I trusted that we would not let each other down, and that is what is needed in a good partnership; someone you can trust.
4. The most surprising and interesting thing I learned from this activity is, if you are not entertaining, people will not pay any attention to you. Most people like to laugh and be entertained, and if you are on stage and you forget your lines, people will be confused, get bored or frustrated or just blatantly leave.
5. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is the fact that I was able to remember all my lines so quickly and easily. Usually it is harder for me to remember some of my lines, and this quarter I found a way to relate to my scene and really tried hard to remember, and guess what...., It really paid off!
6. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with is me forgetting my costumes.Unfortunately, the days that my partner an I had to performed were days I had to wear my NJROTC uniform, so, (even though this should not be an excuse), I forgot to bring clothes to act in. When I forgot my clothes I had to act in what I had on.