Monday, April 30, 2012

Duet Scenes

1. Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be memorizing two scenes at the same time (even though they were quite short I still had my doubts). I guess I was mostly terrified of messing up my lines or not saying it right or doing it write, since there's always someone critiquing you. I thought that it was going to be fun. Which it turned out to be once I did my meditation and cleared my mind.

2. After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish is nailing it so that I could get a decent grade. Every time before I perform I get these "shudders" which makes me shake like I'm living in Antarctica. I could have performed the scene a million times and it will never go away, I guess that's my of getting the nervous out of not messing up and failing.

3. The most important thing I learned from this activity is to trust your partner. You could freeze and forget your lines, but your partner would find a way to catch you up and I'm sure you'd do the same for them. After all, you want a good grade don't you? But your partner is always there to help you memorize your lines. I also learned that nobody's perfect when it comes to doing a scene, sometimes even the greatest actors can have their moments.

4. The most surprising of interesting thing I learned from this activity is the creativity that exploded. There were a lot of accents and a lot of characters that happened that made the situation and real and no one got bored with any of the scenes.

5. The aspect of my work on this activity that I'm most satisfied with is that I learned of how to bring a new character out of me which could probably come in handy in future events.

6. The aspect of my work on this activity that I'm at least satisfied with is that I finally made my point that I'm best with comedy but would like to try drama and would LOVE to be those people running and screaming and tearing their hairs out in horror and thriller.