Monday, April 30, 2012

Duet Scene

1. Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be memorizing the lines from two scenes and messing them up in front of the class. The lines may have been short, at least mine were, I tend to still forget them. I didn't want to forget my lines or mess up the scene. Which in the end I still forgot some of the words and ended up messing up. 

2. After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was getting my partner to  do her part. We completed the first scene no problems. However when it came to the second scene we slipped up.Both would not show up on different days. In which we had to prolong the scene, and  neither of us really tried to remember the lines. I remembered most of mine while she knew none of hers. 

3.The most important thing I learned from this activity is always be prepared. For me there were times when I didn't know the lines and almost had to be called up and perform. Even though my partner wasn't there. I thought I would get lucky and not have to perform. When actually her not being there was going to negatively affect my grade. Which would mean I would've had to perform with out her. The show really does go on. 

4.The most surprising or interesting thing I learned from this activity is in doing a duet a scene it takes equal effort. Its not a solo in which you rely on yourself. In a duet you truly have to rely on partner to pull things off. 

5.The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is even though I didn't want to perform. I still got up and performed it and took a grade rather then no grade. 

6.The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with is depending on my partner to know her lines. I didn't know all of mines either so it wasn't just her. However I knew some of them when she knew none.