Saturday, April 28, 2012

Partner Scenes

So far this quarter, my favorite in-class performance was the partner scenes. Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be memorizing my lines. I never seem to be good with memorization and will remember something perfectly one minute and then five minutes later it's almost gone. However, I surprisingly pulled it together quite well and remembered my lines for the most part. After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was to perform it exactly the way we practiced it. When my partner and I practiced our scenes, we put energy into it and knew exactly what we were doing. When we went to perform the scenes, we ended up being really nervous about forgetting our lines and didn't give it our all. The most important thing I learned from this lesson is that you have to interact with your partner. When your are performing partner scenes, you and your partner both depend on each other. Performing with someone else requires teamwork and the sharing of ideas between the two people. The most surprising or interesting thing I learned from this activity is that it is much easier to work with a partner than a group. When working with a group, you have to be able to depend on a bunch of other people and it takes longer to accomplish things. On the other hand, things get done much faster and easier when you only have to communicate with one other person. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is my ability to memorize my lines. Normally, it takes me longer than most people to memorize my lines. However, this time it was different and I had all of my lines memorized within a short time. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with was my overall performance. When I went to perform, I was so nervous that I was unable to perform to my fullest. I don't understand why I get so nervous when acting in front of the class since I am a competitive cheerleader and am used to performing in front of hundreds of people. Overall, I found this activity very fun and I loved working with my partner Natalie! (: