Thursday, May 3, 2012

Duet scenes

1. Before attempting this activity, I thought it would be hard to memorize two scenes. I guess I was mostly terrified of messing up my lines or not saying it right or doing it write, since there's always someone critiquing you. I thought that it was going to be fun.

2. After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish is nailing it so that I could get a decent grade. Every time I practice I would think that I would stutter and mess up . I could have performed the scene a million times and that feeling will never go away. But, I started thinking of What The Hell, who cares what other people say, then It went away.

3. The most important thing I learned from this activity is that you should do the stuff required to support your partner so you dont mess up his grade.Also, that teamwork is better than going solo.  But your partner is always there to help you memorize your lines. And I'm glad i got to experience that.

4. The most surprising of interesting thing I learned from this activity is that you can make different interpretations of a scene even though it has short lines. YOU can make different tones and expresions to make the scene different.

5. The aspect of my work on this activity that I'm most satisfied with is that I got to have fun and actually work on a character.

6. The aspect of my work on this activity that I'm am least satisfied with is that I have problems with comic scenes because i have tendency to laugh all the time, I would love to get over that..