Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Group Improv #2

1.Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be memorizing all those lines! Out of the other two people I worked with, I had the most lines to recite.There's nothing wrong with that though, but I just didn't want to trip up during the performance by saying some lines wrong.
2.After completing it, I think the most difficult part to accomplish was the blocking of our performance. I think we did really good with our gestures and crossing about the stage overall though. We didn't mess up and I don't think any of our backs were ever to the audience.
3. The most important thing I learned from this activity is that if someone messes up in your group, then you just have to keep going with it. Two people messed up there lines(including me) but the audience didn't rteally notice because we improvised.
4. The most suprising or interesting thing I learned from this activty was how funny performances are to do. That's why I want to do this class next year because I like to act; especially improvisation.
5. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is how we didn't perform with any of the flaws that we were taught to not incorporate into our plays. For instance, there was no mumbling, we all stayed in character, and we didnt't really pause unless the play permitted. I'm really proud of my group for that.
6. The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with is how the audience didn't all really grasp the central theme of our play. They got part of it though so I guess that counts for something.