Thursday, May 31, 2012

4th quarter reflection post solo musical sabrina fenelon p7

Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be... to maintain a good pitch. I have trouble with breathing while I sing. Also, I get nervous because I am very serious about singing.
After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was...not letting my nerves get to me. It was so hard for me to rid myself of nerves. I think that is why I messed up. I t wasn’t because I didn’t know the lyrics it’s because I was so nervous.
The most important thing I learned from this activity prepare completely before a performance. I think the more you know you have done your performance flawlessly before. The less your nerves get to you.
The most surprising or interesting thing I learned from this activity is...that spending time with people that love to sing is awesome. I had the opportunity to work with Mariana and, Nicole. They are both amazing and, great singers. I also find myself being a lot more comfortable with them.
The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with overall performance. I think my class enjoyed it. Also, I never got to perform that song in front of people. And Wicked is my favorite musical.
The aspect of my work on this activity that I am least satisfied with unprofessionalism in starting the performance over. I think I could have kept on performing but at the time I was so nervous. But I learned from that mistake.