Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Reflection Post: Costume Design Period 6

Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be trying to bring our costume design to life. Drawing something and actually creating it are two different things. Due to the fact that the drawing wasnt originally mine thats what made me think that this activity would be challenging. I also thought that since i worked as a group there would be different opinions from each of us and i thought that would create a problem but to my surprise it didnt. We worked as a team and got the actvitiy done.

After completing it, I now think the most difficult part to accomplish was trying to make the top of our dress. The top of our dress was tube top like. We used a garbage bag to make it. The problem with the garbage bag was that it kept slipping and sliding. We decided to use tape to keep the bag in place but that didnt work because the back was straight. Our next step was to cut to the bag in half that way we didnt have to much material. After trying different things we finally got the top our dress to stay in place.

The most important thing I learned from this activity is that working with others gets the job done faster and better. Working as a group made the activity fun and easier. Since we were in a group we had different ideas and also we all helped each other. At the end of the activity we got the coustume design complete and we all got the opportunity to addd our own style to the final product. 

The most interesting thing i learned from this activity was how to create different objects with ballons. My group used the balloons to create a headband accessory and add a butterfly to the back off our dress. While trying to create the accessories we experienced ALOT of problems. For example, the balloons popped plenty of times and the balloons didnt twist how we expected them to.

The aspect of my work on this activity that I am most satisfied with is seeing our over all costume design on a live model. After all the hard work my group and I put into our costume design it felt magnificent to see us bring our sketch to life. I was also satisfied with how well the bottom of our dress came out due to fact that we had a problem trying to keep the hangers from poking holes in the garbage bags. 

The aspect of my work on this activity that i am least satisfied with was our shoes. We were so focused on creating the dress we forgot about the shoes. However, we still managed to create a pair of shoes. Even though we created shoes and it was fully thought out, we could have distributed our time evenly to where  every part of our costume design had their own time.