Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fourth quarter reflection project (group musical)

  1. Before attempting this activity, I thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be to really focus and stay in character and singing the right notes. Even though this performance was last minute, we pulled through.
  2. After completing it, i thought that the most difficult part to accomplish was: definetly staying in character and not breaking out of character to laugh or etc. Which didn't really work out to well because we all ended up laughing at least once, and got emotional.
  3. The most important thing that i learned from this activity was that: you can't get too attached to the seniors in your class/group. Besides that I've learned that when doing a group musical you really have to depend on one another regardless if you know it all or not.
  4. The most surprising thing that i learned from this assignment was that:  i can really sing, and that i wonderful hand, eye coordination with the movements needed/used in our musical performance of "do,re,mi" from the musical "Sound Of Music".
  5. The aspect of my work that i am most satisfied with is:  the fact that we all came together at last and sung as a whole. I felt as if we did a really good job performing this piece. Even though we had a little "situation" towards the end of our performance, which was all my fault i know.
  6. The aspect of my work that i am least satisfied with is:  when i broke character while singing. Due to the reminiscence of the times the seniors and i had throughout the school year. I wish i would have just stuck to the script, without breaking down.