Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Duet Scenes

    Before attempting this activity,i thought the most difficult part to accomplish would be to make sure our emotions and timing were on point,since its a duet scene. i had to depend a lot on my y partner to accomplish those things. so i felt kind of nerve wrecked since it was a group grade.
    After completing it, i now think the most difficult part to accomplish was to remember he lines in the right order.while rehearsing i started to have these problems& hoped they didn't happen. unfortunately they did but i quickly corrected my error.
    The most important thing i learned from this activity is that when teamwork is done right it looks beautiful.i feel we completed the scene moderately well.but watching the other teams i felt we could've been better in sync,more in character.i want to build on that in my next assignment.
    The most surprising or interesting thing i learned from this activity is that you cant just read off the the script. you can and should add movements and extra sounds without compromising the scene or script. it makes the performance more realistic.such as facial expressions,in which other teams executed very well.
     The aspect  of my work that i am most satisfied with is letting the audience know which lines were supposed to be humorous. if you always speak in a monotone voice, not a lot of things would be so funny.
     The aspect of my work i am least satisfied with is not following the specific blocking instructions given to us on the script. it would've made the scene more understandable.